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Monthly Archives: March 2016

Climate Change: Nothing to Fear

For the past few decades, the media and a  few high-profile public figures (chiefly Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States and winner of a Nobel Prize for creating terror in the minds of millions) have been screaming at us that we are all doomed because the climate is changing! Not only is it changing, it is OUR Entire Fault!

We puny humans have really done it now, in our quest for cheap energy and hot cars, we have spewed this horribly polluting but invisible gas into the atmosphere. That’s right, you are exhaling this “pollutant” as you read this. The gas to which I refer is none other than Carbon Dioxide (CO2)!


Reflections on the future of our Planet’s climate.

Uberto Crescenti: Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia Università G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara (Italia) e-mail : crescent@unich.it

Translation and comments by Franco Maranzana, Consulting Geologist
e-mail francomaranzana@gmail.com

Abstract. The article deals with the prediction of the future climate  of our Planet. At present we have some  reliable data  on the past through the historical studies of the climate. They cannot be projected towards the future.  Hence, the catastrophic predictions of the IPCC and of those adhering to this organization, These predictions cannot be seriously taken into consideration but they influence the world economy because of the application of the Kyoto Protocol which, only in 2013, has mobilized some 160 billion dollars on the so called carbon tax.

In the occasion of the  Lectio Magistralis  at the Royal Society of Arts of  Edinburgh, on  31 October 2011, Matt Ridley stated :” Never  count  on the consensus  of  experts about  the future. The experts deserve to be listened to themes related to the past.  Futurology is  pseudoscience”. Such a statement very seldom can so well be applied to  the field of climate predictions.
